Hair loss can happen all over your head, but often, it will start with a receding hairline. And once you notice that hairline starting to go, it sure seems like it goes quick.
It’s stressful right off the bat, but when your friends and family start to notice your hair going, it can be quite embarrassing. And trying to style your hair in a way that hides your receding hairline is another task in itself.
So what can you do about it? Are there any hair loss solution out there that can help with a receding hairline?
It turns out, there is. Most hair treatments are targeted to male-pattern and female-pattern baldness, attempting to create new hair mainly at the crown of your head. But there is one product that will thicken and strengthen hairs all over your head: ScalpMED.
What is ScalpMED?
ScalpMED is one of many hair loss products on the market, but sets itself apart with a different process for regrowing hair. Designed to stop hair loss and thinning hair and promote new hair growth, ScalpMED’s proprietary hair-loss treatment delivers thicker, stronger hair without surgery, sexual side effects, wigs, weaves or cover-ups that are common with other hair-restoration products.
ScalpMED claims to be “stronger than genetics” because it halts and reverses hereditary hair loss and thinning, known as male-pattern and female-pattern baldness. ScalpMED asserts it is a proven-effective regimen for both male and female hair loss and thinning hair. ScalpMED even says it can restore hair lost due to non-hereditary factors. ScalpMED decreases both patchy hair loss and excessive hair loss.
But before we dig into how ScalpMED works, it’s important to understand your hair loss and what causes it.
What causes hair loss and a receding hairline?
The cause of hair loss or thinning hair isn’t fully understood, but is usually related to one of several common factors. These include your age, family history (heredity), hormonal changes, medical conditions and medications. The hereditary condition of male-pattern or female-pattern baldness is the most common cause.
Scalp and skin disorders are potential causes as well as drugs used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart issues, high blood pressure and birth control. Even too much vitamin A can be a potential cause. Others include radiation therapy, a trigger event that causes physical or emotional shock, and believe it or not, certain hairstyles and hair treatments.
When it comes to a receding hairline in particular, it usually comes down to heredity, age or testosterone levels.
A receding hairline pertains to the loss of hair just above your temples, usually following a pattern similar to the letter “M.” The hair along the sides and middle of your head remains intact while the hair loss progresses up along the lateral sides of your forehead. This hair loss may eventually spread across the top of your head over time, but this depends on the person and as well as the underlying cause of your receding hairline.
According to the National Institute of Health, all people experience a thinning of their hair as they grow older, so it is common to see your hairline recede as you age. Roughly 66 percent of men have male-pattern baldness by the age of 60, and 25 percent of men begin to encounter hair loss by the age of 30. This makes age the primary cause of a receding hairline.
But your family history is another contributing factor to your receding hairline. A receding hairline can actually be inherited from your mother or father. Male hair loss in particular is mostly associated with heredity. Your genetics may or may not make the hair follicles along your scalp sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can cause your hair to recede. You most likely won’t encounter a receding hairline without this genetic trait until you get older.
Beyond age and heredity, testosterone plays a primary role in a receding hairline. A lack of testosterone, that is. Again, DHT is the belligerent here that causes your hairline to recede. When DHT comes into contact with your hair follicles, it will cause them to shrink in size. This shrinkage affects the growth of your hair, producing thinner and finer hairs than normal. These hairs can fall out easily. The hairs that you shed should be replaced with new hair, but DHT prevents these hairs from growing, leading to a receding hairline. If there was a lack of testosterone, the entire process could not take place.
How does ScalpMED help hair grow?
Now that you know the causes of hair loss in general as well as a receding hairline, it’s good to understand how ScalpMED helps hair to regrow.
There are three stages of hair growth: the Anagen phase (growth), catagen phase (transition) and telogen phase (rest). Hair loss occurs when the Anagen phase, or growth cycle, is disrupted. This happens when the hormone mentioned before, called DHT, constricts blood vessels that supply vital oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles, until eventually the follicles can no longer grow hair.
ScalpMED’s hair loss treatment keeps the blood vessels in your scalp open so oxygen and nutrients can flow into your hair follicles. This will help revive your dead or dying hair follicles and cause them to increase in size. This allows your hair to resume its Anagen growth phase, resulting in the growth of new, often thicker, healthy hair.
What about ScalpMED makes it best for a receding hairline?
While other hair loss solutions offer similar treatments, and many have the same active ingredient, ScalpMED has a unique process from combating hair loss and developing new hair all over your head, including in your temples, where a receding hairline occurs.
ScalpMED’s hair loss solutions include topical, non-surgical products such as a hair regrowth shampoo and a cortex enlarger thickening spray. What sets ScalpMED apart from the competition is this patented two-step topical solution to hair loss.
ScalpMED’s unique two-step process first treats your scalp and then stimulates hair growth. The process combines Scalp Med’s multi-patented pre-scalp treatment, Nutrisol with clinical-strength growth formula, Vitadil. Vitadil is Minoxidil-based, which is currently the only FDA-approved topical hair-growth ingredient. Here’s how the process works:
Step 1: The pre-treatment – NutriSol
The first phase of the ScalpMED solution is the pretreatment formula, NutriSol, which creates the optimal environment for healthy, new hair growth. NutriSol is a specially-formulated shampoo that is massaged directly into the problem areas of your scalp, including the temples. NutriSol helps shrunken hair follicles increase in size, which allows for new, thicker hair to grow.
The NutriSol prepares the scalp for step two. Before applying the NutriSol, users should shake the bottle well and place the nozzle directly in contact with your scalp in the thinning area. You’ll then apply four to six pumps of NutriSol over the entire area to which you would like to see regrowth. After every couple of pumps, massage the product into your scalp to make sure it is evenly distributed. Do not rinse after this step.
Step 2: The hair growth stimulator – Vitadil
Step two of the treatment is the clinically-proven Vitadil. After the scalp has been primed with NutriSol, Scalp Med’s Vitadil topical solution is sprayed directly onto the same area. The spray delivers maximum-strength Minoxidil to the area. Minoxidil is the only FDA-approved ingredient clinically proven to safely stimulate new hair growth.
Users simply spray the Vitadil directly to the same area you shampooed and massage it into the scalp after every two pumps, for a total of six. Make sure to wash your hands once you’re done.
For best results, it is recommended that you use ScalpMED twice a day. In the morning, leave ScalpMED on a for minimum of 45 minutes before you shower or leave it in all day. In the evening, repeat the process and rinse it out before bed or leave it on all night.
Patience and consistency
With ScalpMED, the key is to stick to a routine. ScalpMED is design to not infringe upon your busy lifestyle. Easy to use and non-complicated, the Scalp Med process will take up less than five minutes of your morning and nighttime routines. The key to ScalpMED’s effectiveness is being consistent in its use. Once you build ScalpMED into your daily regimen, it will just become another part of your everyday life.
It’s even easy to take with you on-the-go or when you travel. But if you do happen to miss a day, don’t try to make up for it by doubling up the following day. Just resume your routine as normal. Being patient and allowing the product to work is also of utmost importance. ScalpMED users generally see results after four to six months of use, so it’s important to stick with it.
That’s why following your routine and staying consistent is vital to realizing ScalpMED’s full potential. The more you stick with it, the easier the new routine will become. Five minutes twice a day, every day, is not a big commitment to make, and sticking to it can bring real results in four to six months. Hopefully, the time will fly by.
Another bonus: minimal potential for side-effects
ScalpMED’s patented NutriSol treatment is what makes it most unique, since no other hair loss treatment offers a product like it, but Scalp Med users have also reported less side effects than ScalpMED’s competition. Best of all, according to ScalpMED, unlike oral medications and other DHT inhibitors, ScalpMED products will NOT cause a decrease in sexual function.
That’s right–ScalpMED comes with no sexual side effects.
Because of NutriSol, ScalpMED also does a good job of hydrating the scalp, so users never have irritation or itchiness. These added benefits make ScalpMED a viable option for a receding hairline.
Can I regrow hair on completely bald areas of my frontal scalp?
Unfortunately, no. Once an area of the scalp is completely bald, the hair follicles in that area are no longer able to produce growing hair. There is no topical or oral hair regrowth treatment that will bring this hair back. Not even ScalpMED.
However, ScalpMED’s active ingredient has been proven to regrow hair in living hair follicles on the vertex of your head, or the top of the scalp. It will also thicken and strengthen the hair all over your head, including the remaining hairs of a receding hairline.
If you’re wondering if ScalpMED will work for you, a good test is to run your hand over the top of your scalp. If you find fuzz or thin hair in those areas, there is a great chance that ScalpMED will help you regrow your hair, because this means that the hair follicles are likely still alive.
While other hair loss solutions utilize similar ingredients and make the same claims about hair loss, it does appear that ScalpMED is the best option to help regrow hair in your receding hairline, because ScalpMED can help grow hair all over your head. For more information or to order your first batch of ScalpMED product,
visit ScalpMED’s website.